What is EDAM?
Eating Disorders Association of Maine (EDAM) is a network of like-minded people and organizations dedicated to promoting health and wellness at every size, body acceptance, and the prevention of eating disorders and disordered eating throughout Maine. We provide identification of resources, training, education, awareness, and support for individuals, families, treatment providers and communities throughout the state. EDAM wishes to offer hope, help and support to all who are impacted by eating disorders.
Mary O’Rear, the Executive Director of Mainely Girls, noticed in her work related to promoting girls’ success that she often heard stories of girls who struggled with eating disorders. She recognized that this struggle was very common among both girls and boys, and could quickly become an obstacle to living a full, healthy and rewarding life for many. The issue of eating disorders became a central part of her work at Mainely Girls, and Mary focused time and effort into joining together professionals who work with eating disorder to form collaborative treatment teams. Because eating disorders are complicated and often come with complex medical, mental health, and nutritional issues, Mary understood the importance of collaborating among treatment providers about their shared clients. Today, thanks to Mary’s leadership, there are treatment teams throughout Maine, and people with disordered eating are well-supported by medical professionals, mental health counselors, and registered dieticians. Mary’s energy and passion was contagious, and in 2012, a group of like-minded individuals formed EDAM.
All photography provided by Amy Taylor Grimm and Jacqueline Plachta
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